- Heritage Of The Anglo-Saxon Race - Chart
- God's Great Week - Cover & Chart (folded)
- We Have A Guardian
- Drama Of The Lost Disciples - New Edition!
- The Mystery of the Lost Tribes of Israel
British-Israel How I Came to Believe it
A process of discovery from 'My Early Prejudices' to his full acceptance of the belief in British-Israel. In a conversation with a friend, Titcomb, covers every aspect of the teaching methodically and this makes it a very useful book as a study guide.
Coming of the Saints
In this kindle book, history and legend combine to give us a picture of the earliest missionaries of the Christian Faith, their selfless devotion, their achievements, and in some cases their martyrdom for Christ's sake. The debt owed by the Christian Church in the West to these fearless pioneers is indeed incalculable. It is right that we should appreciate the sound foundations which they laid, and this book helps us to do this.
Did Our Lord Visit Britain, As They Say In Cornwall and Somerset ?
This book keeps alive the traditions and legends of the early Christian Church, long before Augustine's arrival on our shores.
Drama Of The Lost Disciples
New 16th Edition. A fascinating account of the spread of Christianity to Britain from as early as AD 36-37. Tells of the journey westwards made by Joseph of Arimathea and his fellow-Christians to plant the Faith among the people of dispersed Israel; and from Britain to Rome through the members of the British Royal Family in exile and their relationship with the Apostle Paul.
Far Above Rubies
The author presents a number of fine portraits of our ancestors and teaches us a little more about the women who gave birth to the men who saved the situation for the people who Ruled-with-God - Isra-el.
The Restoration of Israel
Restoration was guaranteed on the word of the Living God. The prophets were fully persuaded of its future accomplishment. The name Israel is used in this book in its usual, particular and limited sense of Israel of the Ten Tribed northern kingdom.
Bible history leaves these Israelites in captivity in Assyria but Bible prophecy makes them travel far. The author clearly explains how these prophecies have been, and are being, fulfilled in God's servant people.
We Have A Guardian
A wonderful and lasting reminder of how the Almighty has delivered Britain: extracts, incidences and events showing Divine Intervention in British History. Updated 2011 Fifth Edition.
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